Sunday, August 22, 2010

PS2 Online Games?

Umm, I just saw a question about a guy saying his PS2 online wasn't can you really go online with it? I've never heard of anything like that....what games do that?

PS2 Online Games?
Yeah ; )

...It's loads of fun.

For the old PS2 you need the Ethernet adapter and modem.

You can play wireless on the slim PS2.

On the back of the games it tells you if you can play online.

~It says "online Ethernet cable required" on the bottom where it says how many players can play and so on.

Here's more info if you want...
Reply:Help keep this site updated Report It

Reply:Uh yes it can...and some games are smackdown vs raw games, splinter cell games, mortal kombat....and more

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